

Enrollment Policies

LATE PICK-UP FEE s charged after 5:00 PM and payable at the time of pickup. FKO closes promptly at 5:00 p.m. Parents are asked to plan sufficient time to dress their child, TAKE THEIR artwork, speak to a staff MEMBER (if necessary) and leave the center by 5:00 p.m. If the parent/guardian is aware that they are going to be late, they should call FKO to speak to the staff and advise them of their plan to pick up their child/ren. Due to the operational and staffing costs incurred when a parent/guardian is late, a late fee will be charged. Our staff members have committments, work-related or personal.

ABSENCES: Payments are based on days enrolled, not on days attended. Fees will not be pro-rated for sick, vacation, or non-attended days. If your child won’t be in attendance for the day please call by 8:30 AM.

PAYMENT PROCEDURE: All payments are due THURSDAY morning for the following week. There are no exceptions. A late fee of $15.00 will be added per child care day if not paid by THURSDAY MORNING. It is not the responsibility of the provider to remind the parents when payment is due. If tuition & fees are not received when due, it will be cause for suspension of services until full payment is made. Should daycare be closed for a holiday on the pay-date, all payments must be received the day before by 5:00 pm. If your child is absent on your pay-date, you are still required to make your payment. (payment will NOT be accepted on Saturday or Sunday as we are closed). Please note that payment is still expected in any emergency closings.​

There will be no refunds for days missed while the child is enrolled, payment is to reserve a space for your child, whether you use it or not.

TUITION Non-SUFFICIENT FUNDS FEE: FKO needs to maintain an adequate cash flow…therefore a fee of $40.00 will be charged for an NSF regarding tuition (non-suffient funds). In addition to the NSF fee, parents are responsible for all charges assessed due to NSF checks. If this should happen twice , you will be required to pay by money order or cash, for 6 weeks, following a NSF check, If this happens 3 separate times, due to NSF all tuition moving forward would be made in cash or money order.
ENROLLMENT FORMS: FKO is required by the State of Maine to have parents read their Contract Agreement, fill out and sign the forms, and return them to the director to file away in the child’s files. It is very important that you make sure you have given us all forms before or at the time of your child’s first day. The forms and a checklist can be found on our website. We ask that you read over the information in the Parent handbook, especially the FKO closures calendar and let us know if you have any questions or need further clarification on a certain policy. 

*A child is considered enrolled upon receipt of the completed Enrollment Contract, the non-refundable two week Tuition and the non-refundable NEW registration or the non-refundable re-REGISTRATION Fee. ONCE RECEIVED, FKO agreeS to hold THE opening WHICH THEREFORE giveS up the right to fill that position with another child. this IS THE reason a non-refundable two week tuition ALONG WITH THE NON-REFUNDABLE New REGISTRATION FEE IS required. the re-registration fee for re-registrations is also non-refundable.

SECURITY DEPOSIT & NEW REGISTRATION FEE: A NON-REFUNDABLE two week tuition security deposit and a non-refundable new registration fee of $85 is due at the time of enrollment to ensure a place in the program. The registration fee covers administration costs and an FKO backpack. This payment must be paid by money order. We will accept checks for Tuition payments going forward.

RE-REGISTRATION FORMS: All children must be re-registered each year on their anniversary. This is state and nationally mandated. A non-refundable re-registration fee of $85 is due at the time of enrollment to ensure a place in the program.The registration fee covers administration costs. Again, please read through the Parent Handbook online; print out the Enrollment Forms, read, sign, and return to the director along with the non-refundable $85 re-registration fee. If you have any changes before the year is up, please let us know so that we can make the necessary changes on the appropriate form in their file.

FLEXIBLE SPENDING ACCOUNT: If your employer offers tuition reimbursement (PRE-TAX to help pay for out-of-pocket day care expenses) you must indicate it on the Contract Agreement Form. You must also provide a form for the FKO director to sign.

CONFIDENTIALITY / SECURITY of CHILDREN’S RECORDS: All of the children’s records are kept in a fireproof filing cabinet. Only the FKO staff have access to the files.

TRIAL PERIOD: All new children will be cared for on a 3 week trial period beginning on your child’s first actual day of care. During that time the parent may terminate the childcare agreement with a minimum of a two-week written notice. The director may terminate the agreement at will without a two-week written notice.

TERMINATION AGREEMENT: A 30 day written notice is to be given to management prior to termination. FKO reserves the right to dismiss a child, at will, if it is in the best interest of the child and/or the school. Cause for dismissal includes aggressive behavior, and physical or emotional harm to self or others.

OUTDOOR PLAY: We strongly believe that children need to go out side and play. Every effort will be made for them to go out side to play (weather permitting). Because of staffing, we can’t keep 1 child in with a staff member. We don’t keep a child in at outdoor time because they are under the weather. Fresh air is so good for children. If they are too sick to go outside for a short time, they should be home recuperating. During the winter months as a rule if the temperature is 32 degrees and above the children will go out side. If the temperature is between 30 – 32 degrees and the sun is shining brightly than the children will go out side to play. The wind chill will always be taken into consideration.

REST: Rest times vary per child and although they may not sleep, they are expected to rest and remain quiet while the other children sleep. State requirement mandates a minimum of a one hour rest period, which could include reading books on their mats.

ILLNESS: Parents will need a back-up person in case your child comes down with a fever, vomiting and/or diarrhea and requiring one-on-one care. Your child needs to stay home that day until symptoms subside. Please refer to our Illness Policy found under the Enrollment Forms page.

COVID – Test To Stay

-Quarantine guideline for a covid positive case: (still the same)

-Stay home for 5 days from positive test result

-If ALL symptoms are gone AND fever free for AT LEAST 24 hours without medicine they can return on day 6 wearing a properly fitted mask at all times.

– Child will eat and sleep in a space away from the other children

-If they can not properly wear a mask they will need to stay home for the full 10

-They can return on day 11 if ALL symptoms are gone AND fever free for AT
LEAST 24 hours without medicine

*ANYONE that gets severely ill from covid must quarantine for the full 10 days

Quarantine guideline for a covid exposure: (new test to stay program)

*I will give you a box with 5 tests in it for your child if they have close contact.
Covid exposure over 2 yrs old….

-Can still come if 100% asymptomatic

-Must test in the morning before arrival on day 1,3,5.

-Parents must send me a picture of the negative test before arrival

-Child must wear a mask at all times possible inside, all 10 days. If they can not
wear the mask correctly then they must test on day 1,3,5,7,9

-Child will eat and sleep in a space away from the other children
Covid exposure under 2 yrs old…

-Can still come if 100% asymptomatic

-Test on day 1,3,5,7,9

-Parents must send me picture of the negative test results by 7:00AM

-Child will eat and sleep in a space away from the other children

-No masking required

NUTRITION: We provide 2 nutritious meals a day, breakfast and lunch and an afternoon snack. All the meals adhere and/or exceed to the guidelines set by the USDA childcare food program. Our Menu is carefully selected to provide nutritional meals for your child. Arrangements can be made if your child requires special dietary needs. Meals are served family style with adults assisting the children. Mom and Dad are always welcome to join their child during meal time. With the active schedule at daycare each child is offered a time to rest.

SOFT DRINKS/SUGARY JUICES: Please refrain from bringing soft drinks in to the daycare. We do promote the 5-2-1-0 Healthy Living program. Our staff members do not bring in soft drinks or sugary drinks for themselves.


IMMUNIZATIONS: Any child attending FKO must have their mandatory immunizations such as Diphtheria, Tetanus, Polio, Measles, Rubella (German measles) Mumps up to date or have an exemption letter on file prior to being accepted. Children who have not been immunized and children who are too young to receive an immunization will be excluded from FKO during any outbreak of contagious outbreak/disease at the daycare. Fees are due during the above absences. The State of Maine requires that the we have updated information on childrens’ immunizations. Please let us know every time your child is immunized so that we can update our records. Changes in your children’s medical information must also be reported to help us better serve your children

WEATHER CLOSINGS/DELAYS: In case of severe weather (blizzard, hurricane, tornado and loss of power) while your children are at daycare, your child’s safety and well being will be our primary concern. If the decision is made to close, we will notify parents immediately and ask you to pick up your child. Daycare closings will be announced on WGME 13. As a rule if the Maine Mall is closed, FKO will also be closed. Our delayed opening is at 8:30 am.

HOLIDAYS: Please refer to the FKO yearly calendar for a listing of holiday and vacation closures that we. If a holiday falls during the weekend we will observe that holiday on either Monday or Friday.

WORKSHOP DAYS: With state and federal laws requiring employees to be more educated and on-going training hours increased, we use some of the holiday closures as workdays for our staff. These days also give us the opportunity to sanitize the day care, invite speakers, review CPR and first aid as well as explore updated techniques and materials in the child care field.

OUR STAFF’S: primary goal is to meet the needs of the children and is a valuable asset to your child’s learning process. We are trained and have extensive experience in child development and are certified in pediatric, youth and adult first aid and CPR. Our staff also attends seminars and training sessions to expand their knowledge in childcare and education. We believe in continuous improvements of our processes and development to build a better environment for your children.

STAFF COMMUNICATION PROCEDURES: Any staff suspecting a violation will notify the director promptly. It will be the director’s responsibility to contact DHS that the report is being made. All suspicions of licensing violations must be handled immediately. All observations/disclosures of information must be recorded as soon as possible. In compliance with the Mandated Reporting Law, the staff person filing out the report will call the Licensing Bureau and write a written report within 48 hours.

BEHAVIOR MANAGEMENT: We believe that many problems can be avoided with proper guidance. We believe in redirection rather than discipline. However, there are problems that do need to be addressed on the spot. Our goal in handling behavior issues is to help children become aware of their actions, and how those actions affect other people and their surroundings, how making right choices can help resolve these issues. We believe in positive reinforcement as the children make the right choices. Occasionally the child may need to be separated for a short time from the other children until the child, with the help of the care provider, is ready to join the rest

1. An FKO Staff Member must immediately notify the Child’s Parent or Legal Guardian of any illness, serious injury, or Incident involving their Child. An Adult designated by the Parent or Legal Guardian must be notified immediately should the Parent or Legal Guardian be unavailable.

2. An FKO Staff Member must document all Accidents, injuries, Incidents, or emergencies in the Child’s record on the day of the occurrence and the Parent or Legal Guardian must review and sign the document within two business days.

of the children.

ACCIDENTS and EMERGENCY PROCEDURES: Our staff are certified in Red Cross Pediatric emergencies, and child CPR. Our staff will report any accident that requires first aid on an accident form. Parents will get a copy and a copy will be filed in the child’s folder. Minor cuts and scrapes will be cleaned with soap and water and covered with a bandage. Bruises and bumps will be treated with ice packs. Parents will be notified if accidents require a doctor’s attention. If an accident requires immediate medical attention, the child will be taken to the requested hospital or the closest hospital if not specified by the parent, accompanied by a staff member. All parents will be asked to file an authorization form in an extreme emergency for your child to be treated at a hospital. Every effort will be made to contact a parent or guardian in such emergencies.

FIRE and DISASTER DRILLS: We conduct monthly fire drills, in accordance with state regulations. Children are trained to proceed to a specified meeting place in the same manner as if they were evacuating their home. We have daily attendance sheets which makes it easier to do head counts of children when conducting fire drills. Disaster Drills are done and logged every 3 months.

EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PLAN: In the event of a state emergency, we are equipped for an extended stay at the day care. We will alert parents via phone. A cell phone is available should land service be interrupted. All pertinent information for each child is kept with us. (Our emergency evacuation location is the Saco Fire Department and the Young School). Please be aware that payment is expected regardless of emergency closings, ie. State of Emergency.

IN THE EVENT OF AN EMERGENCY: You can drop off / pick up at doorways or in entry ways only. Limiting or eliminating visits at the program will be necessary to keep everyone safe and healthy.
SPECIAL EVENTS: Your child is welcome to celebrate his/her birthday with his FKO friends. Please let the staff know if you are going to bring in a birthday cake or cupcakes.
ARTICLES/FOOD from HOME: We do ask that your chil(dren) not bring any toys from home. Occasionally, we may suggest that children bring in toys for special activities. Anything your child(ren) brings from home can get lost or damaged. We also ask that your child(ren) does not arrive with a food item (ie. toast, candy, drink) at dropoff so as not to have the other children ask for the same food that we do not have at the childcare. We would rather not have food hidden due to a child dropping it out of sight and wouldn’t want another child to find it and eat it.We do provide breakfast in the morning.

SMOKE-FREE POLICY: There is no smoking inside or surrounding the daycare facility. If parents smoke, please refrain from this after you drop your child off & you have pulled clearly out of the our vicinity. Please do not extinguish cigarettes in the driveway or on the daycare grounds, you will be confronted & asked to pick up the litter.

PARENT INVOLVEMENT: Parents are a crucial factor in our program. In fact, parents are our partners. Our teachers understand and respect that parents are their children’s first teacher. Their involvement in the school gives their children a sense of security and is deeply appreciated. We recognize that stable, quality relationships during the early years are fundamental for later developmental outcomes. Collaboration between teachers, parents and the children is an integral part of the educational experience at FKO. Our goal is not simply to build a strong, warm and nurturing connection with each child, but to extend that connection to our community of parents. By working in a collaborative group setting, children learn critical life skills such as compromise, reasoning, respect for others opinions and enhancement of their sense of community. 

JEWELRY/ACCESSORIES: Please refrain fomr having your child(ren) wear any kind of jewelry. Dangling earrings, a dangling necklace or bracelet may be pulled on by one of the younger children. Beaded bracelets may break and we do not want the children trying to put the loose beads in their mouths.

POTTY TRAINING: For children who are potty training, you need to provide a supply of disposable diapers/“Pull Ups”, disposable wipes as well as diaper cream, if used. Because the outer clothing might also need changing, we ask that you send a couple of changes including socks. Also please be considerate when dressing your child so that it easier for them and the staff while potty training ie., belts, overalls, buttons and mark all items with your child’s name.

TOILET LEARNING:​ Toilet learning is discussed with individual parents/legal guardians as the need arises. FKO does not believe in pushing a child, but in letting each go at their own pace. Before learning to make use of the toilet can even begin, a child must be able to communicate their needs verbally and able to undress themselves, in regards to their pants. Toilet learning is not about the adult taking responsibility, but the child accepting and enjoying this very grown-up responsibility. Pull-ups or diapers will be required until two weeks without an accident.

SUPPLIES NEEDED: Your child will be involved in a variety of indoor and outdoor activities, which include the use of a variety of hands-on materials. A child’s work is his/her play and it’s important that your child wear comfortable and easily washable clothing. There will be occasions where your child may need a change of clothes, so we ask that you bring in clothes to change to. Your child will need the following: PLEASE LABEL EVERYTHING!
  • Clothing appropriate for the changing weather. We do go outside year-round. (ie. Winter: boots, socks, mittens, snowsuits, hats. Summer – swimsuits, a sun hat, towel and sunscreen).
  • A complete change of clothing including socks and underwear labeled with his/her name.
  • Diapers/Pull-ups (potty training), wipes, lotion for diaper rash, baby powder
  • A Yoga mat (Gymenist Yoga Mat with carrying strap”); sleeping bag for nap time (Blues Clues or Minnie Mouse Toddler Nap Mat). (Both items are available at Walmart).
  • A current picture of your child with their significant adults to be displayed in their cubby.
  • Children are welcome to bring in toys from home as long as they don’t stimulate aggressive behavior. Toy knives or guns are not allowed in the child care. Please let your child know that if he/she brings in a toy, they’re going to have to be willing to share. We’ll do the best we can, but can’t be responsible for your child’s toy, if lost, misused, broken.
LICENSING VIOLATIONS: Administrators, staff, volunteers or parents are required to report all cases of suspected licensing violations to the Department of Human Services Licensing Office, Augusta (207) 287-9300.
Information can be found at (Child Development Services -CDS). CDS sites provide case management and direct instruction for families with children from birth through age five who have developmental delays or disabilities.Further information can be located at (Family Child Care Association of Maine).

AMENDMENTS: FKO reserves the right to amend these policies under special circumstances with reasonable notice to parents.

REVISIONS to HANDBOOK & CONTRACT: There will be a yearly revision to the Parent Handbook. All families will sign a new contract each year. We reserve the right to make changes in rates and policies as we deem necessary. You will be notified, in writing of any changes that may occur. Every attempt will be made to give at least two weeks notice of changes.


Child Abuse/Neglect Policy


Children will be protected from abuse and neglect while in the care of For Kids Only Day School. It is both duty and policy to report all suspected abuse or neglect immediately whether said abuse or neglect occurred at home or in the day care. All staff members are mandated reporters.

Staff’s concerns of abuse are brought to the director’s attention immediately. All observations must be documented and maintained in a separate file. The parent will be informed that the staff and director are mandate reporters which mean they must report all warranted concerns to the Depart of Human Services. A report will be filed with the department immediately (without notification to the parent if the director feels that the child is at risk). A written report will be filed within 24 hours. From that point DHS will followup and the office for children will immediately be notified. All referrals will be filed in a separate file. When written outcome is received from the DHS that too will be placed in a separate file.

The director or designee shall immediately report any suspected abuse or neglect to the DHS. The director or designee shall notify Child Protective Intake Unit immediately after filing or learning that a report has been filed, alleging abuse or neglect of a child while in the care of For Kids Only Early Education and Preschool or during a program related activity.


REPORTING: (The Maine Child & Family Services line is staffed 24-hours a day, 7-days a week).

  1. Any employee who suspects abuse or neglect of a child under the age of 18 should immediately report
    the situation to the director.
  2. The director will investigate every incident immediately.
  3. Findings will then be reported to DHS at 1-800-452-1999; for Deaf/Hard of Hearing: Maine Relay 711.

Tick Removal Policy

Parents must sign a Tick Removal Consent Form if you do or do not want the For Kids Only staff members to remove a tick from your child(ren).
FKO will only attempt to remove ticks from exposed skin (arms, legs, neck, etc).
We will not remove ticks from sensitive areas (eyes, ears, bathing suit areas, etc).

We will never use petroleum jelly or a hot match to kill and remove a tick. These methods do not get the tick off the skin and can cause the insect to burrow deeper and release more saliva (which increases the chances of disease transmission).

If you DO NOT want FKO staff to remove the tick, please list a contact name and number so that we may call you.

How to remove a tick…

  • Use fine-tipped tweezers to grasp the tick as close to the skin’s surface as possible.
  • Pull upward with steady, even pressure. Don’t twist or jerk the tick; this can cause the mouth-parts to break off & remain in the skin.
  • After removing the tick, thoroughly clean the bite area and your hands with rubbing alcohol, an iodine scrub, or soap and water.
  • Dispose of a live tick by submerging it in alcohol, placing it in a sealed bag/container, wrapping it tightly in tape, or flushing it down the toilet. Never crush a tick with your fingers.
  • If the parent wants FKO to have the tick saved for testing: FKO will release the tick into a jar or zip-locked bag.
  • FKO staff member will contact the parent and will complete an Incident Report.

FKO will not be responsible to cover the cost (if there is one) for testing.

People who have removed a tick often wonder if they should have it tested. Some state or local health departments offer tick identification and testing as a community service or for research purposes (such as evaluating infection rates among ticks in an area). Check with your health department; the phone number is usually found in the government pages of the telephone book or online.

It is up to the parents to call the doctor after the tick has been removed to find out if your child should be evaluated. In certain cases, a doctor will prescribe antibiotics if a child is at high risk of developing Lyme disease. Call the doctor right away if your child develops a red-ringed rash or if the skin becomes red and irritated. Also call if your child has flu-like symptoms, joint pain or a swollen joint, or facial paralysis. Although other conditions can cause similar symptoms, you’ll want to have your child evaluated early on so that if it is Lyme disease, treatment can begin as soon as possible.
Our Tick Repellant Recipe is safe for humans and dogs:
20 drops each of Lemongrass and Eucalyptus Essential Oils added to 4 ounces of water and shaken in a spray bottle. We spray it on shoes, socks, and pant cuffs. On the enrollment form, you must choose yes or no that you agree to the application of the spray on your child.

Animal-Pet-Fur Policy

​​This policy is to inform parents of the benefits and potential risks associated when we have animals visiting FKO for educational purposes. Animals can provide important opportunities for entertainment and learning. Parents should indicate on the Child’s Health Information Form, any special considerations needed if their child(ren) has allergies, or have any other issues with animals.

When animals are on the premises, we will ensure that there is adequate staff supervision to protect the safety of the children and animals. The FKO staff will ensure that personnel providing animals for educational purposes are knowledgeable regarding animal handling and zoonotic disease issues. Persons or facilities that display animals to the public should be licensed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
  • We will always have the children and staff washes their hands right after handling animals, their food, and/or their habitats (for example, cages, water bowls, toys).
  • Our staff will always supervise hand washing for young children.
  • Running water and soap is best.
  • We do carry hand sanitizers in case running water and soap are not available.

PETS: We do have two household pets (a cat and a dog) who stay away from the child care.   We have NO classroom pets on the DAY SCHOOL’S premises.
  • There must be proof of rabies vaccinations for household dogs and cats.
  • Pets must not present a danger to children or guests.
  • The premises must be free of pet odors, fur, and waste must be disposed of regularly.
  • All indoor and outdoor areas used by children must be free from pet waste/pet fur.


Social Media & Privacy Policy​

Technology has changed how many people connect with others. Today more connections are occurring through the use of social media. This is true for the majority of our parents. The FKO Facebook page is PUBLIC to allow us to post photos and videos of the children during their daily activities and share the little things such as a cute story or capturing a video of their conversations with their friends or the staff. This makes the parents feel as if they were a part of their child’s day. This may be more important in this industry than in any other because parents want to feel like their child is being left with family.

Family/Relatives who would like to follow our group so that they too can see how the child(ren) interact while in our care are allowed to do so. We do want to share their day with them, but they MUST be verified by the FKO director to join the FKO group. When you are no longer enrolled at FKO, all parents and relatives will be disconnected from the FKO Facebook Group.
Social media, personal relationships or any method of communication in cyberspace is strictly prohibited between our staff and our parents. This includes requests for babysitting or cleaning etc. It is crossing professional boundaries for parents and staff members to engage in relationships outside of childcare due to that gray area when they become friends and it overlaps into their work life. This can result in favoritism (or perceived as favoritism) of children by staff, or favoritism of a parent, etc. We want to make sure that all of our children and families are treated equally when it comes to their care while in the hours of operation. Please respect these guidelines as we have explained to them so the best interest for all can be served.

Our Pinterest page is available to our Parents/Guardians for gift giving ideas, healthy snacks that can be made for the holiday events, arts and crafts that we plan to do with the children, and other information. (There are NO photos or names of the children on our Pinterest Board).

FKO recognizes that social media is a term which encompasses the various activities that integrate technology and social interaction, using the range of words, images, and videos. We display some photos and videos of the children on the website for the duration of the year from September to August. When a new year begins, we archive the posted photos and videos which stay with our website and Facebook admin. These are NOT used or posted or distributed or shared with anyone.

The private Facebook FKO Group is mainly used…
…to provide present FKO parents with opportunities for increased communication between us
…to help families feel more connected with their child(ren)’s experiences while in our care
…to assist in forming collaborative partnerships with families and communities
…to post photos and videos of the children during their daily activities
…to notify or remind parents of upcoming daycare

For Kids Only will…
…consider the rights of each child and family
…take responsibility for what we write
…respect their audience, both visible and invisible
…not engage in any form of social networking while supervising children (we have a trusted FKO member who monitors the group page off-site)
…not post private emails, phone numbers or addresses of our parents or staff
…not make negative statements about our families and/or the children​

​Our page allows us to engage with FKO parents and helps to foster a real sense of community. We love to post local charity events that are happening in the community. Parents are always influenced in a positive way when they see that their chosen childcare has a good rapport with other businesses in the community.

We are aware that some parents may have concerns about having their child(ren)’s image or video on social media, so we have parents fill out a Parental Consent & Release Form. The form contains yes and no questions to what parents will or will NOT be comfortable with in regards to displaying images and videos containing their child(ren). If you do NOT want your child(ren) to appear on our Facebook group, please indicate it by checking the appropriate answer on the form. We are required to have a signed copy of this form on file for each child. Even if parents do NOT want their child(ren)’s image(s) to be displayed on the website or Facebook FKO Group, they MUST fill out a form as well to be kept on file.

If for any reason, you see any social networking activity that may be deemed to be distasteful or lacking good judgment, please do not hesitate to notify the FKO director immediately.

Biting Policy 

Biting is unfortunately not unexpected behavior for toddlers. Some children and many toddlers communicate through this behavior. However, biting can be harmful to other children and to staff. This biting policy has been developed with both of these ideas in mind. For Kids Only understands that biting, unfortunately, is a part of a child care setting.

Our goal is to help identify what is causing the biting and resolve these issues. If the issue cannot be resolved, this policy serves to protect the children that are bitten. If a biting incident occurs, state regulations require that the parent of the child biting and the parent of the child who was bitten be contacted. Names of the children are not shared with either parent.
FKO strongly disapproves of biting. The staff’s job is to keep the children safe and help a child that bites learn different, more appropriate behavior. We do not use techniques to alarm, hurt, or frighten children.

For the child that was bitten:

  1. First aid is given to the bite. It is cleaned with soap and water. If the skin is broken, the bite is covered with a bandage.
  2. Parents are notified.
  3. The “Incident Report” is filled out documenting the incident.

For the child that bit:

  1. The teacher will firmly tell the child “No…we don’t bite people!!”
  2. The child will be placed in time out for no longer than the child’s age (one-year-old = one minute).
  3. Parents are notified.
  4. The “Incident Report” is filled out documenting the incident.


  1. The child will be shadowed to help prevent any biting incidents.
  2. The child will be observed by the classroom staff to determine what is causing the child to bite (teething, communication, frustration, etc).
    The FKO director may also observe the child if the classroom staff is unable to determine the cause.
  3. The child will be given positive attention and approval for positive behavior.

WHEN BITING BECOMES EXCESSIVE: If a child inflicts 3 bites in a one-week period (5 weekdays) in which the skin of another child or staff member is broken or bruised or the bite leaves a significant mark, a conference will be held with the parents to discuss the child’s behavior and how the behavior may be modified.

This policy is effective September 27, 2017. All past experiences of biting are not included in this policy, as this policy was not in effect at the time of biting. All biting occurrences from today forward will be counted towards a child’s total biting incidents.


Driveway/Walkway Safety Policy

The FKO driveway/walkway area is the only part of our center that is not child-friendly. We beseech you to exercise the utmost in diligence when you are in the driveway/walkway area. PLEASE hold child(ren) by the hand at all times, being especially aware in those moments when you are opening the door of your vehicle to let your child in, or if you are dealing with multiple children. Pull into spaces slowly, and look behind your vehicle before you back out. Do not allow distractions like cell phones when you are moving your car or walking with your child in the parking lot. NO CHILDREN should be allowed to stay in the car unattended. They must accompany you into the building. A tragedy in the parking lot is something none of us could live with.

Walking hand in hand on the walkway/driveway is essential for safety. Please do not allow your child(ren) to take off running down the walkway into the driveway AROUND THE BACK OF THE CAR TO GET INTO CARS BY THEMSELVES, whether you have one or two children, they have got to be in your control. Please use both of your hands, one for each child.

GETTING INTO THE CAR AND CONTINUING TO RUN-AROUND UNSUPERVISED IN THE DRIVEWAY, WALKWAY, THROUGH THE GARDEN OF FLOWERS, ETC. is not only dangerous for them, but also the parent. Parents are picking up and may not see your child dart out into the driveway, or see you running after them, not to mention if they run in the road. This also includes running down the walkway onto the private patio (which has things on it not safe for children to be touching or running by); in and around the house through flowering plants and on to the sidewalk and driveway completely unaccompanied by their parents, because they are NOT HOLDING THEIR CHILDREN’S HANDS.

Central street is a cutoff from Spring Street, as it gets very congested, and people, even if obeying the speed limit, may hit a child or adult because the child(ren) was not in the control and supervision of the parent.

This is a huge safety factor for all concerned, as well as parents who are running after their child(ren) in the yard, sidewalk, walkway, and driveway. your child, whether it be one or two, another child left unsupervised while you are running after the second child you their are two children not within a parents control for safety. Please make sure that when you are leaving after pickup that YOU HOLD THEIR HANDS AT ALL TIME, whether it be one or two, then open the door of your car (prefer it on the side of the driveway beside the bushes) then let them get into the backseat. At that point you can buckle both children in.

Thank you all for understanding the position of For Kids Only, as well as other families, when it comes to the safety of the children when dropping off in the mornings and leaving at the end of the day.

Let’s all work together for safety’s sake!


State of Emergency Policy

In the event that the State of Maine declares a STATE OF EMERGENCY, For Kids Only is declaring under the STATE OF MAINE FAMILY CHILD CARE PROVIDER LICENSING RULE 10-144 OF MAINE RULES CHAPTER 33, Effective Date for Final Adoption of Major Substantive Parts of the Rule: July 5, 2018; Section 8A-8B, which states…

Capacity may only be exceeded when the following conditions exist: family emergencies or emergency school closings.

a. Planned school closures are considered predictable circumstances and, therefore, capacity may not be exceeded.

b. Proper supervision and ratios, as defined in this rule, must be maintained. Procedures for managing such events must be explained in the written
emergency plan and reasons for exceeding capacity and the reason for exceeding capacity must be documented on the attendance record.

The Family Child Care Association of Maine encourages providers to maintain licensed capacity and follow proper staff/child ratios. This emergency rule does not mean providers are caring for large amounts of children in their homes. Each provider must make a plan with their licensor before going over ratio and/or capacity.

This is an OFFICIAL act of For Kids Only, owner Jerice Hogg, that care shall go over the License number of 12 children during the time of LOCAL and STATE EMERGENCY ACTS OF PUBLIC and PRIVATE SCHOOL CLOSURES.

Once the State of Emergency is lifted FKO will resume the totals on LICENSE #217489, Capacity #12, 0-12 ages.

Once the STATE of EMERGENCY has been lifted For Kids Only will RESUME the TOTALS on LICENSE #217489, Capacity #12, 0-12 ages.

As the parent your signature (included in Enrollment forms) signifies that you are aware of FKO’s stance for QUALITY and SAFE care to children, OVER TOTALS -ONLY- during a STATE of EMERGENCY.

In the event of a State of Emergency: You can drop off / pick up at doorways or in entry ways only. Limiting or eliminating visits at the program will be necessary to keep everyone safe and healthy.

Please be aware that payment is expected regardless of emergency closings.



Children receiving childcare from Providers have the following rights.
1. Children must be free from emotional, physical, sexual abuse, neglect and exploitation.
2. Each Child has the right to freedom from harmful actions or practices that are detrimental to the Child’s welfare, and to practices that are potentially harmful to the Child.
3. Each Child has a right to an environment that meets the health and safety standards in this rule.
4. Each Child must be provided childcare services without regard to race, age, national origin, religion,disability, sex or family composition.
5. Children must be treated with dignity, consideration and respect in full recognition of their individuality. This includes the use of Developmentally Appropriate practices by the Provider and Staff Members.
6. Each Child has the right to the implementation of any plan of service that has been developed for that Child in conjunction with community or state agencies by the Provider.
7. Each Child has a right to Developmentally Appropriate activities, materials, and equipment.
8. Children with disabilities have the right to reasonable modifications to Provider policies and practices.

Parents & legal guardians of children receiving child care from Providers:
1. A Child’s Parent or Legal Guardian must be fully informed of items or services which are included in the rate they pay for childcare services.
2. A Child’s Parent or Legal Guardian has the right to be fully informed of findings of the most recent inspection conducted by the Department. The Provider must inform Children’s Parents or Legal Guardians that the licensing inspection results are public information and inspection results must be posted in a prominent place on the Premises.
3. Parents or Legal Guardians must be notified by the Provider within two business days of any actions taken against the Provider by the Department, including but not limited to, decisions to issue conditional Licenses, refusal to renew a License, or to impose fines or other sanctions.

The art on Montessori is an art that joins home and school. That means parent and teacher supporting one another in their responsibility to the life of the child.

- Maria Montessori

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